Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Classroom and practice
NTNU har fått midler for å tilby gratis etter- og videreutdanning til de som har blitt permitterte eller arbeidsledige som følge av korona-pandemien.
The course is aimed to introduce a master level student to the fundamentals of systems engineering. Emphasis will be given to product architecture, lean processes, stakeholder analyses (people) and performance evaluation.
Product, Process, People and Performance
- To identify the main components of engineered systems.
- Understanding the product, processes, stakeholders and performance concepts in these systems.
- Be acquainted with state of the art literature for systems engineering.
- Apply SE techniques, with preliminary requirements, analyses and evaluation for any engineering project.
- Communicate with stakeholders, understanding and quantifying system performance into different expectation.
Personnel employed in technical, engineering, developement, R&D and similar departments
Technology and Engineering
Price Duration Course language Course form
10250 NOK 13 Dag(er) Norwegian Classroom and practice